RGB consists of [Red, Green, Blue] and expresses colors on a monitor or liquid crystal with light.
Various colors are expressed by mixing the three colors. Normally, they are expressed more clearly and brightly.
It is used best when creating images for web or digital goods, which have no problem expressing colors only on monitor.
CMYK consists of [Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key plate] and is used for print.
It is the color that you will see on designed physical goods.
It is a combination of ink and paint, so it is good that you consider colors in CMYK for prints.
For CMYK, brightness and chroma decrease when mixing colors.
Therefore, you may get colors with lower color tone when printing RGB colors which mix colors with light.
It’s great if you upload your design in CMYK color mode, but, sometimes, you will need to upload it in RGB color mode based on whether the image has a background or not. Please be aware of this.
When you are uploading an image with a transparent background, you must save it in PNG / CMYK color mode.
Applying CMYK mode
1. Click Image > Mode > CMYK Color.
If there is a background layer in the original image, deactivate the layer.
Now, click File > Export > Save for Web & Devices.
4. Select the file format as PNG-24 from Preset and click Save.
If you use CMYK color mode for an image with a background, colors may be expressed differently due to system features. So please make sure to save the image in JPG - RGB mode.
Applying RGB mode
1. Click Image > Mode > RGB Color.
2. Then, save the image file in JPG.